Following code extracts the part of line that is inside a circle:
public static VectorLine2D calcLineCircleIntersection(VectorLine2D line, double cx, double cy, double cr)
// vector from center of the circle to one of line's edges:
Vector2D f = new Vector2D(line.a.x-cx, line.a.y-cy);
double a = ;
double b = 2 * ;
double c = - cr*cr ;
double discriminant = b*b-4*a*c;
if( discriminant < 0 )
return null;
// ray didn't totally miss sphere,
// so there is a solution to
// the equation.
discriminant = Math.sqrt( discriminant );
double m1 = (-b + discriminant)/(2*a);
double m2 = (-b - discriminant)/(2*a);
// for convenience:
double t1 = Math.min(m1, m2);
double t2 = Math.max(m1, m2);
Vector2D p1 = null;
Vector2D p2 = null;
if( t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1) // intersection point closest to line.a
p1 = new Vector2D(line.a.x+line.d.x*t1, line.a.y+line.d.y*t1);
p2 = line.b; // if this is not true, p2 will be updated in next "if"
if( t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1)
p2 = new Vector2D(line.a.x+line.d.x*t2, line.a.y+line.d.y*t2);
if(p1 == null) // if p1 was not set before, this is always true:
p1 = line.a;
if(t1 < 0 && t2 > 1) // line is totally inside the circle
p1 = line.a;
p2 = line.b;
if(p1 == null || p2 == null)
return null;
return new VectorLine2D(p1, p2);
Just for reference, VectorLine2D implementation:
package yarangi.math.algebra; /** * This line implementation hold both cartesian and vector representation of the line. * This allows faster calculations on the cost of additional memory space. * * @author Dve Yarangi */ public class VectorLine2D { /** first point of the line */ public final Vector2D a; /** second point of the line */ public final Vector2D b; /** non-normalized line direction vector */ public final Vector2D d; public VectorLine2D(Vector2D a, Vector2D b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; d = new Vector2D(b.x-a.x, b.y-a.y); } public VectorLine2D(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { this(new Vector2D(x1, y1), new Vector2D(x2, y2)); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if(!(o instanceof VectorLine2D)) return false; VectorLine2D l = (VectorLine2D) o; return a.x == l.a.x && a.y == l.a.y && b.x == l.b.x && a.y == l.b.y; } public int hashCode() { return a.hashCode() + b.hashCode(); } }
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