ObjectLocator's purpose is to locate physical objects closest to specified one. It uses a tile array over the two-dimensional "world". The search is done over closest tiles in spiral manner.
Invoked to detect which agents should interact each with other, it notably reduces the closest/fittest agents search time (compared to one-to-one search). This implementation gives real-time performance for over 10000 uniformly spread interacting units (for 200x200 tiles). I may append performance charts later.
package yarangi.ui.bidim.geom; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import yarangi.ui.ProcessVisualizer; /** * Object locator provides a set of methods to search for objects inside two-dimensional square. * * Proximity functions are implemented by tile search. * * To use the locator, all object locations must be registered using {@link #updateLocation(ObjectLocation2D)} method. * * TODO: is not thread-safe * @author Dve Yarangi */ public class ObjectLocator2D { /** approximation grid detection size. */ private int gridDim; /** makes calculations faster. */ private int halfGridDim; /** makes calculations faster. */ private int halfWorldWidth, halfWorldHeight; /** * Tile array cell holds a list of ObjectLocation objects, allowing * quickly extract all objects that are located in this tile. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public LinkedList [][] blocks; /** * Maps objects to their tile coordinates, allowing quickly locate the tale * that contains a specified object. */ public HashMapobjects = new HashMap (); /** * Defines the ratio between world coordinate and tile ingex. */ private double widthScale, heightScale; /** * Dimensions of a single tile. */ private double blockWidth, blockHeight; /** * Creates a new object locator. * @param worldHeight worlds height * @param worldWidth world's width * @param gridDim The finess of the search tile overlay. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ObjectLocator2D(int worldHeight, int worldWidth, int gridDim) { this.gridDim = gridDim; halfGridDim = gridDim / 2; // will be useful later halfWorldWidth = worldHeight/2; halfWorldHeight = worldHeight/2; blockWidth = worldWidth / ((double)gridDim); blockHeight = worldHeight / ((double)gridDim); widthScale = 1 / blockWidth; heightScale = 1 / blockHeight; // initiating tiles: blocks = new LinkedList [gridDim][gridDim]; for(int i = 0; i < gridDim; i ++) for(int j = 0; j < gridDim; j ++) blocks[i][j] = new LinkedList(); } /** * This method is used to inform the ObjectLocator about object reposition. * @param location */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void updateLocation(ObjectLocation2D location) { ObjectIndex index = objects.get(location); if(index == null) // this object is not registered with the object locator { index = new ObjectIndex(); objects.put(location, index); } else blocks[index.i][index.j].remove(location); // dropping the location // calculating new tile: index.i = (int)(location.getX() * heightScale) + halfGridDim; index.j = (int)(location.getY() * widthScale) + halfGridDim; // TODO: somehow handle the object that drops out the tile coverage: if(index.i < 0 || index.i >= gridDim || index.j < 0 || index.j >= gridDim) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Location [" + location.getX() + "," + location.getY() + "] is out of world dimensions."); // updating the tile objects' list: blocks[index.i][index.j].add(location); } public void deleteLocation(ObjectLocation2D location) { ObjectIndex index = objects.get(location); if(index == null) return; objects.remove(location); blocks[index.i][index.j].remove(location); } /** * Removes the specified location from the locator registry. * @param location */ public void removeLocation(ObjectLocation2D location) { ObjectIndex index = objects.get(location); if(index == null) // this object is not registered with the object locator return; blocks[index.i][index.j].remove(location); objects.remove(location); } /** * Retrieves the closes object to given location that fits with the filter. * */ public ProximityPair2D getClosestObject(ObjectLocation2D location, ObjectLocation2DFilter filter) { Set set = getClosestObjects(location, 1, Double.MAX_VALUE, filter, null); return set.size() == 0 ? null : set.iterator().next(); } /** * Retrieve a specified number of object locations inside the specified range around the specified location that * fit the specified filter. The returned object locations will be the ones with the highest characteristics values. * * @param location The source location * @param objNum Maximal number of retrieved locations * @param range Maximal range of the search * @param filter Further restricts the location selections. * @param ch Location selection priority * @return Set of locations that fit the specified parameters. */ public SortedSet getClosestObjects(ObjectLocation2D location, int objNum, double range, ObjectLocation2DFilter filter, ObjectLocation2DCharacteristics ch) { // most intensely created temporary variables: double distance, dx, dy; ObjectLocation2D l; double farestDistance; // setting the "minimal distances array" size cap: int objectsNum = Math.min(objNum, objects.size()); // preparing the results' set: SortedSet result = new TreeSet (ch == null ? new DistanceComparator() : new CharacteristicsComparator()); // getting the object index: ObjectIndex index = objects.get(location); if(index == null) // we don't have the object, go away return result; // preparing the shortest allowed to block out the tiles that are too far: double shortestDistance = range; // location relative to the tile - we will need it later: double inblockX = location.getX() - index.i * blockWidth + halfWorldWidth; double inblockY = location.getY() - index.j * blockHeight + halfWorldHeight; // this is the blocks search radius. OOO // each radius loop we check the tiles that form a square that O O // have side equals to 2*radius+1 blocks around the target location: OOO for(int radius = 0; radius < gridDim; radius ++) { // this will hold number of to far tiles in current tile square. // if all of them are to far, there is no reason to check // the squares with bigger radius int toFarBlocks = 0; for(int di = -radius; di <= radius; di ++) for(int dj = -radius; dj <= radius; dj ++) { int blockI = index.i + di; if(blockI >= gridDim || blockI < 0) continue; // outside of the world int blockJ = index.j + dj; if(blockJ >= gridDim || blockJ < 0) continue; // outside of the world // now scanning the block: // at first, we determine the minimal distance from the target location to // current tile. If the minimal distance to the tile is longer than the distance // to the all the closest locations found, searching current tile is useless. if(radius != 0) // yeah-yeah { double toBlockX = blockI > index.i ? (blockWidth - inblockX) + (blockI - index.i - 1) * blockWidth: blockI < index.i ? inblockX + (index.i - blockI - 1) * blockWidth: 0; double toBlockY = blockJ > index.j ? (blockHeight - inblockY) + (blockJ - index.j - 1) * blockHeight: blockJ < index.j ? inblockY + (index.j - blockJ - 1) * blockHeight: 0; // System.out.println(toBlockX + " ::: " + toBlockY); // System.out.println(shortestDistance + " ::: " + toBlockX * toBlockX + toBlockY * toBlockY); if(shortestDistance < toBlockX * toBlockX + toBlockY * toBlockY) { toFarBlocks ++; // counting useless tiles to interrupt the radius loop later continue; // going to the next tile } } // ProcessVisualizer.addRect((blockI-halfGridDim)/widthScale-blockWidth/2, (blockJ-halfGridDim)/heightScale-blockHeight/2, // (blockI-halfGridDim)/widthScale+blockWidth/2, (blockJ-halfGridDim)/heightScale+blockHeight/2); // System.out.println(halfWorldDim); // then scanning all objects inside the tile: for(Object o : blocks[blockI][blockJ]) { if(o == location) // not searching for self just yet continue; l = (ObjectLocation2D) o; if(!filter.accept(l)) // filter says it is a bad object continue; dx = l.getX()-location.getX(); dy = l.getY()-location.getY(); distance = dx*dx + dy*dy; if(distance > shortestDistance) // out of range or farer that any other found locations continue; // System.out.println("distance:" + distance + ", range: " + range + ", sd: " + shortestDistance); double characteristics = ch == null ? distance : ch.getRelativeCharacteristics(location, l); if(result.size() < objectsNum) // result set is not full yet, adding everything { result.add(new ProximityPair2D(location, l, distance, characteristics)); continue; } // now going over the locations that are already in the result set // to determine which one should be kicked out: if(result.last().getCharacteristics() > characteristics) { result.remove(result.last()); result.add(new ProximityPair2D(location, l, distance, characteristics)); farestDistance = result.last().getCharacteristics(); // System.out.println(fd2); } else farestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; // setting the maximal relevant distance to a tile: if(ch == null) // this only happens if no characteristics is provided shortestDistance = Math.min(farestDistance, shortestDistance); ////// } } // System.out.println(radius); if(radius != 0 && toFarBlocks >= radius*8) break; } return result; } public Map > getProximityMap(double range, ObjectLocation2DFilter sourceFilter, ObjectLocation2DFilter targetFilter) { // System.out.println(objects.size()); Map > map = new HashMap > (); for(ObjectLocation2D object : objects.keySet()) { if(sourceFilter.accept(object)) { SortedSet pairs = getClosestObjects(object, Integer.MAX_VALUE, range, targetFilter, null); // System.out.println(pairs.size()); map.put(object, pairs); } } // System.out.println(ProximityPair2D._object_count); return map; } public void visualizeDensity() { for(int blockI = 0; blockI < gridDim; blockI ++) for(int blockJ = 0; blockJ < gridDim; blockJ ++) { if(blocks[blockI][blockJ].size() < 5) continue; float alpha = blocks[blockI][blockJ].size() > 20 ? 1 : blocks[blockI][blockJ].size() / 20.f; Color color = new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 1.f, alpha); double di = (blockI-halfGridDim)/widthScale; double dj = (blockJ-halfGridDim)/heightScale; double minX = di <= 0 ? di-blockWidth : di; double minY = dj <= 0 ? dj-blockHeight : dj; double maxX = minX + blockWidth; double maxY = minY + blockWidth; ProcessVisualizer.addRect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, color, true); // blocks[i][j] = new LinkedList(); } } /** * * * @author DveYarangi */ class ObjectIndex { public int i = -1; public int j = -1; } public static class DistanceComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(ProximityPair2D o1, ProximityPair2D o2) { return (int)(o1.getSquaredDistance() - o2.getSquaredDistance()); } } public static class CharacteristicsComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(ProximityPair2D o1, ProximityPair2D o2) { return (int)(o1.getCharacteristics() - o2.getCharacteristics()); } } }
Now working on using this to implement obstacle detection. The required functionality: having set of poly-line obstacle features, retrieve new polylines that are inside agent's sight range.
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